With food security becoming a growing issue, it’s important to lessen your dependence on traditional food sources and systems. If you want to be prepared for the looming food crisis, now is the time to get a hobby farm mortgage and start growing the food you’ll need to survive.


Foods To Replenish Your Food Stores

Growing your own food can sustain your own family, helping you tide over periods of global food insecurity or crisis. Once you obtain financing for your farm, you can start looking into what types of crops you want to grow. In order to survive the food crisis, you’re going to need hardy crops to give you year-round sustenance


Focus on the Staples

Even if you’ve been stockpiling the staples, you’ll eventually run out of food. Using a hobby farm mortgage to start a farm to grow these 10 specific crops will help you survive the food crisis.

  1.     Garlic
  2.     Herbs
  3.     Maize (Corn)
  4.     Beans
  5.     Potatoes
  6.     Sweet potatoes
  7.     Carrots
  8.     Squash
  9.     Kale
  10.   Cabbage



Garlic is easy to grow and store. It is a crop that is nutritious and can add flavor. It is also medicinal, reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol, acting as an antioxidant, and boosting the immune system. 



Herbs give you the nutrition of greens and are easy to store. Most herbs are perennials, giving you continuous supply. Consider growing bay leaves, basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme. 


Maize (Corn)

Growing maize is another essential to plant on the farm you start with your hobby farm mortgage. Maize can be used to make meal which can then be used to make different kinds of bread or used to thicken soup. 



In a food crisis, beans can give you protein, vitamins, and minerals. They can easily be dried and stored, lasting the cold winter. Combine them with corn you’ll get a complete protein. 



Potatoes are a good source of carbs, vitamins, and minerals. They are easy to grow and can sustain you when other food runs short. 


Sweet Potatoes

Be sure to plant sweet potatoes as well as they have even more nutrients. Their greens are also edible giving you much-needed greens. 



Carrots keep well over winters but require well-drained, sandy soil. Harvesting to store is only necessary if you have harsh winters. These root vegetables add variety to your diet in addition to important vitamins and minerals. 



Make the most of your hobby farm mortgage by planting numerous types of winter squash such as acorn, butternut, pumpkins, and spaghetti squash. Stored properly they can last up to six months. 



Kale is packed with nutrients, can be grown into early winter, and can even be stored as dried chips. This is a great vegetable to help overcome any nutritional deficiencies your family may suffer. 



Cabbage is another nutritious green that is easy to grow and store. Add it to soups or combine it with other hardy crops. Cabbage can also be fermented into sauerkraut, making it last longer while also providing digestive benefits. 


Getting Started

As an expert in farm financing, AgAmerica can guide you through the process of obtaining the best hobby farm mortgage that will help keep your family prepared in the face of the looming food crisis. Talk to one of our loan officers today to learn more.