Considerations for Going Organic

Many people dream of starting their own organic farm one day. It’s not hard to see why, considering the huge benefits of establishing and maintaining your own system of food production. But for many people, it remains just that: a dream. This is unfortunate, because starting an organic farm is far easier than many people believe.

Are you interested in starting your own organic farming operation but aren’t sure how to get started? If so, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll outline some important considerations, and how securing a vacant land loan can help get you started.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Started

Once you’ve decided to establish an organic farm, the next step will be to clarify your vision and business goals. In order to be successful, after all, it’s important that we define what our unique definition of “success” actually is.

With that in mind, here are some important questions to ask yourself before you start an organic farm:

  • What sort of organic farm would I like to own? In other words, what types of crops would you like to cultivate? Do you see yourself also raising animals? 


  • Do you have access to any local (or nearby) markets where you can sell your organic products? Are there any farmer’s markets nearby that will allow you to sell your produce or animal products? What sort of registration or permits will you need before you’re able to start selling there?


  • Do you already possess all of the skills that you’ll need to be able to farm successfully? If not, what are the skills that you’ll need to acquire?


  • Am I physically healthy enough to be able to spend long hours in an organic farm? Every day is different on an organic farm, and some days are longer, hotter, and more labor-intensive than others. There will also be lots of heavy lifting and movement. True, the physically-demanding aspects are some of the most appealing parts of the work. That said, you should still be sure that you’re in decent physical shape before you start an organic farm.


Start an Organic Farm with a Vacant Land Loan

The next step towards establishing an organic farm is to find a viable location for your plot. You’ll also need to build a payment strategy (organic farms are relatively affordable, but they’ll still require some start-up capital).

Thankfully, a vacant land loan from MSF Agriculture can provide you with a practical and cost-effective solution. These loans are perfect for anyone who dreams of organic farming, and who want to keep their future options open. You’ll have the option to choose from fixed, adjustable, and variable rates, plus a variety of flexible payment options. If you’re looking to start an organic farm, these loans can provide you with the financial freedom to do so!

Start Shopping for Vacant Land Loans

MSF Agriculture is steeped in the farming industry, and our lenders are well-equipped to meet the needs of your business. To learn how a vacant land loan can help you to establish an organic farm, please contact us today!