How Will Climate Change Affect the Cattle Industry?

How Will Climate Change Affect the Cattle Industry?

How Will Climate Change Affect the Cattle Industry? Climate change is a worldwide phenomenon that promises to have consequential and far-reaching effects upon virtually every sector of the farming and agricultural industries. This is no exception for those of us who...

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Is Population Growth to Blame for Water Scarcity?

Is Population Growth to Blame for Water Scarcity?

Is Population Growth to Blame for Water Scarcity? Today, it’s common knowledge that climate change is producing higher rates of freshwater scarcity around the globe. While the evidence in favor of the relationship between a warming climate and a dwindling water supply...

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Which Crops Consume the Most Water?

Which Crops Consume the Most Water?

Appearances can often be deceptive; think about water productivity and you automatically want to curse the profligate almond. The fact is, alfalfa is the crop that consumes the most water in California. Often, new farmers are surprised to find out which crops consume...

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What Are Farm Subsidies and Why Are They Important?

What Are Farm Subsidies and Why Are They Important?

Farm subsidies are payments or other forms of financial support made by the federal government to qualifying farmers and agricultural businesses. Sometimes, they are referred to as agricultural subsidies. If farmers find that these subsidies are not enough or that...

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Grants and Financial Assistance for Small Farms

Grants and Financial Assistance for Small Farms

Just as in any other industry, even the smallest of upgrades in the farming industry requires a capital outlay. The good news is that you have several credit options to choose from. There are grants available for expanding your fruit orchard, purchase of expensive...

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