8 Rural Housing Loans & Grants You Should Know About
Now more than ever, people are beginning to see the benefits of rural living in a new light. Sure, owning property in the country can bring you peace and quiet. But it can also enable you to produce your own food, and that’s a fact that’s becoming increasingly...
How to Start a Pig Farming Business
There are several notable benefits to investing in your own pig farming operation. For one thing, pigs - similarly to chickens and rabbits - multiply very quickly. They’re also very inexpensive to feed and maintain because they’re able to eat almost anything. Pig...
Direct Loans vs. Guaranteed Loans for Farmers
If you’re looking into starting your own farming business, you’ve probably also begun to look into farm loan options. And if this is your first time, you may also feel slightly overwhelmed by the loan selection and application process. Don’t worry - you’re not alone!...
Ways to Get a Farm Loan with NO Down Payment
Are you interested in starting your own farm or ranching operation? If so, you’re probably looking for ways to make the process more manageable from a financial perspective. As you may already know, running a farm is not cheap. The good news is that there are a...
How Midwest Farms Are Being Impacted by Heat & Drought
In the Midwestern region of the United States, climate change is becoming an undeniable and harsh reality. Once considered to be “America’s breadbasket”, the Midwest is now being impacted by severe annual flooding, heat, and drought. Today, experts are beginning to...
10 Biggest Issues Being Faced by Farmers in 2020
Farming, as we all well know, is a uniquely challenging profession. For millennia, farmers have had to find creative solutions to a variety of ecological challenges. Because of this, they’ve become incredibly adaptable individuals over the years. However, at the same...
Incentive Programs for Beginning Farmers
Do you dream of owning your own farm or ranching operation? If so, you’ve probably wondered whether or not there are any financing programs that can help get you started. The short answer is yes! There are several, but they’re only accessible to those who know where...
Top Water Resource Issues Being Faced by the Ag Industry
In order to flourish, crops, animals, and soil all require a consistent and clean water supply. Unfortunately, our changing climate puts our global water supply in very real jeopardy. If global warming continues, our planet’s freshwater reserves may be depleted...
How to Calculate Monthly Payments for Your Farm and Ranch Loan
Are you an aspiring farmer? Do you spend long hours daydreaming about owning a cattle ranch of your own? If so, obtaining a farm and ranch loan is an easy way to obtain funds to buy property. It’s a great way for beginning farmers and ranchers to get started! Like all...
How Much Water Does Vertical Farming Use?
Water security is becoming an increasingly problematic issue worldwide. Temperatures are rising, which means reserves of freshwater are diminishing at an alarming rate. Even here in the United States, there are strong indications which suggest that we may be headed...