Rural Hobby Farm Loans
If you own or dream of owning a residence that offers the potential for farming pursuits, even though you bring home the majority of your income from off-farm sources, consider a Rural Hobby Farm fixed rate loan.
Contact MSF Agriculture today to learn more about loan options for hobby farm enthusiasts. Maximum loan to value 80% with a 680 fico and no history of bankruptcy or foreclosures. Minimum loan amount 100k, minimum of 5 acres.
We find the right rural hobby farm loan for you.
Our mission is to gain a clear understanding of your goals, answer any questions you may have, guide and educate you throughout the entire financing or refinancing process, and most importantly, to find the loan that is the best fit for you and your family. Fill out our simple pre-qualification application or contact us today at (949) 287-9525 for a free consultation.