Will Food Scarcity Cause the Next World War?
Having enough food is an essential component of survival. Yet, it is estimated that we may meet a food shortage by 2030. While efforts are being made to provide aid and prevent this, a food shortage could cause global conflicts. Farm and ranch loan can help fund the implementation of new and upgraded operations to increase food production, which can help delay this crisis.
Food Production Must Increase
Food scarcity is a problem that is affecting developing countries but is also a problem in local communities too. In 2018, more than 37 million people in the US alone lived in food- insecure households. The only way to avoid this inevitable outcome is to increase food production by 60% in the next 30 years.
Repercussions of Food Scarcity
In short, food scarcity means people don’t have enough to eat. This can have serious consequences including:
- Widespread malnutrition
- Social unrest and general panic
- Political turmoil
- Civil War
- Terrorism
What’s Causing Food Scarcity?
The looming food scarcity is an undisputed fact. Several factors are contributing to food scarcity such as:
- Changes in climate
- Natural disasters (flooding, drought, fires)
- Convergence in diets
- Poor food distribution methods
- Inefficient food storage systems
What Can Be Done About Food Scarcity? Farm and Ranch Loans?
While the issue of food scarcity is complex, there are straightforward measures that can be taken. Governments and farmers alike need to focus on domestic food production, stop expanding agrofuel programs, and to encourage smallholder farming.
Focus On Your Operations
Outdated farming methods are unsustainable. Farm and ranch loans can be used to help make your operations more sustainable with new equipment, buildings, etc. Our loan officers are ready to help you find the best farm and ranch loan to meet your needs. Contact us today!