Improving global food security requires first understanding what is causing it. One of the biggest reasons is the use of unsustainable farming practices. By improving farming practices, food security can be improved. However, many farmers don’t have the kind of capital needed to change their practices. Agriculture land loans can help farms expand their operations while also getting the necessary equipment and resources to improve their farming practices.  


The World Can Become Food Secure With Better Farming Practices

Many farmers throughout the world use poor farming practices, whether it is out of habit or due to inadequate resources. This can affect the availability and accessibility of food. Therefore, the solutions for improving global food security lie in improving farming practices. This requires: 

  • Improving food storage facilities
  • Growing crops for food rather than feed or agrofuels
  • Focusing on water productivity
  • Efficient use of fertilizers


Improving Food Storage Facilities

Food that is not properly stored rots and goes to waste. Focusing on storage methods to preserve crops can minimize food waste, improving food security. 


Growing Crops for Food

Livestock and agrofuels consume far more ag products than directly consuming crops. Focusing on growing crops that can be consumed directly can increase the yield of agricultural land and addresses food security. 


Focus on Water Productivity

Water shortages contribute significantly to food insecurity. Water productivity should be improved by implementing more efficient irrigation systems, planting crops that require less water, and even using new technologies such as hydroponics. Agricultural land loans can help you get the additional space you need to implement hydroponics on your farm. 


Efficient Use of Fertilizers

Fertilizers are often overused, adversely affect the quality of crops and yield farmers get. Using the right type of fertilizer, in the right place, and at the right time can drastically reduce the amount of fertilizer used, and improve both the crop yield and food security. 


Improve Your Farming Practices

Making these changes can be felt locally, nationally, and even globally. If you’re considering improving your operations or expanding your farm to include hydroponics, talk to an AgAmerica loan officer today to discuss our available agricultural land loans to help you with your next project.