What Are Farm Subsidies and Why Are They Important?

What Are Farm Subsidies and Why Are They Important?

Farm subsidies are payments or other forms of financial support made by the federal government to qualifying farmers and agricultural businesses. Sometimes, they are referred to as agricultural subsidies. If farmers find that these subsidies are not enough or that...
Grants and Financial Assistance for Small Farms

Grants and Financial Assistance for Small Farms

Just as in any other industry, even the smallest of upgrades in the farming industry requires a capital outlay. The good news is that you have several credit options to choose from. There are grants available for expanding your fruit orchard, purchase of expensive...
How Climate Change Is Affecting the Water Crisis

How Climate Change Is Affecting the Water Crisis

It is well established that one of the main impacts of climate change is negatively impacting the water cycle. Needless to say, the way we have always thought about our drinking water, sewage and sanitation, agricultural, and energy production is going to...
Farming with Less Water: 10 Viable Solutions

Farming with Less Water: 10 Viable Solutions

Throughout the world, aquifers and reservoirs of water are reaching historic lows. As groundwater reserves are shrinking, ranch refinancing can help you adjust your operations to consume less water. This will ease the burden on current resources and stave off a water...