Will the Water Crisis Lead to War and Conflict?
Will the Water Crisis Lead to War and Conflict? Many experts have argued that climate change has exacerbated some of the world's recent and ongoing military conflicts. The case has been made, for example, that global warming was a crucial factor contributing to the...
Water Crisis Management & How It Needs to Change
Water Crisis Management & How It Needs to Change Climate change is perhaps the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced. As our understanding of the scope of the problem continues to grow, our institutions and management systems have been forced to change. These...
Getting Started with Sustainable Farming Practices
Getting Started with Sustainable Farming Practices The global effects of climate change are becoming more pronounced. As a result, farmers around the world are starting to implement more sustainable agricultural practices. Adopting techniques aimed at sustainability...
Tips for Buying Property with a Rural Home Loan
Tips for Buying Property with a Rural Home Loan There are countless reasons for an individual or a family to leave the city and relocate to a rural setting. Are you looking for community, privacy, safety, or access to outdoor recreation? If so, rural living is a quick...
How a Recession Could Impact the Dairy Industry
How a Recession Could Impact the Dairy Industry 2020 has been off to a bit of a rough start for almost all of us. This is especially true for farmers and other professionals currently working in the dairy industry. Even prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the...
How Will the Ag Industry Be Impacted by Phase One of the New Trade Deal?
How Will the Ag Industry Be Impacted by Phase One of the New Trade Deal? Since the onset of the trade war in 2018, farmers across the US have struggled to cope with the new economic reality. Today, the US agriculture industry remains in a precarious state. Ag...
Preppers FAQ: How Much Food to Store for a Famine?
Preppers FAQ: How Much Food to Store for a Famine? If you’re someone who keeps their finger on the pulse of global events, the possibility of famine is probably never far from your mind. Indeed, it may be one of the primary reasons why you decided to start your own...
Preppers Food Shortage Checklist
Preppers Food Shortage Checklist It’s commonly believed today that those of us living in the affluent West are somehow immune to the threat of a global food crisis. But, in fact, the security of our food production and distribution systems is precariously fragile. A...
The Real Cost of Desalination Technology
The Real Cost of Desalination Technology Desalination technology has been lauded in recent years for its ability to convert saltwater into clean freshwater. On the other hand, it’s been criticized by environmental organizations and activists who claim that the...
Different Desalination Methods for Farmers
Different Desalination Methods for Farmers As the global water crisis continues to grow more severe, farmers around the world are continuing to search for new and innovative modes of production. Desalination, a mechanical process by which saltwater is converted into...