by Admin | Jan 6, 2020 | Hobby Farm
With a changing climate, drying up aquifers, and a looming water shortage crops are susceptible to drought-like conditions. The small farm you want to start with the help of hobby farm lending doesn’t have to suffer, as long as you plant drought tolerant crops. ...
by Admin | Jan 2, 2020 | Hobby Farm
With food security becoming a growing issue, it’s important to lessen your dependence on traditional food sources and systems. If you want to be prepared for the looming food crisis, now is the time to get a hobby farm mortgage and start growing the food...
by Admin | Dec 11, 2019 | Finance, Hobby Farm
As the food crisis becomes more prevalent, many countries are considering limiting exports of agricultural products. This can mean lower supplies in other markets, making access to food problematic. Getting a hobby farm mortgage and starting a small, local farm can...
by Admin | Dec 5, 2019 | Hobby Farm
Between poor farming practices and droughts, farmers are frequently faced with water shortages. Therefore, they have begun implementing measures to conserve water. Even if you’re in an area with water shortages, hobby farm loans can help you set up new...